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Template page // Latest News

This is the main h2 content headline in addition to the page title above

This is an example of regular <p> paragraph text on a white or light coloured background. You can use different text attributes such as italic text or create emphasis with bold text. Hyperlinks or email@addresses are displayed in this style with automatic active and rollover states – they should always be made ‘live’ to help users make active clicks.

Lists should be created using the default style. Changes are only visible at the front-end and not in the page-builder environment:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean fringilla elementum aliquam.
  • Aliquam et diam laoreet, euismod lectus sed, cursus massa.

Aenean tempus nunc eget justo luctus blandit. Morbi sit amet neque fringilla, dictum tellus at, maximus magna. Integer sed nisi eu nulla euismod commodo. Duis fermentum ligula eu mollis scelerisque. Sed scelerisque pulvinar quam ac porta. Pellentesque id hendrerit nisl. Vivamus tincidunt accumsan pulvinar. In fringilla tincidunt ipsum et venenatis. Donec et mi hendrerit, tincidunt ipsum in, accumsan sapien. Nam consequat eros a mi mattis varius. 


Underpinned by the National Curriculum in conjunction with:




Little Wandle (EYFS & Year 1)







Design Technology




North Yorkshire agreed syllabus


Down-page headings should be in a smaller h4 style so as to not detract from the main headline

Please note: the enclosing (dark colour) wrapper has a specific ‘white text’ skin applied to it. This overrides any usual text attributes (including hyperlinks) so they appear more visible on dark backgrounds. The dark/light differentiation is a useful technique to break up larger areas of content on longer pages. Example of an inverted hyperlink in this style.

Inverted lists work in the same way as above:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean fringilla elementum aliquam.
  • Aliquam et diam laoreet, euismod lectus sed, cursus massa.
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