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Beth Taylor


Happy Shine Fest week! What an amazing week we have had with the children this week! They have taken part in so many fun activities and really thought about how these connect to the Five Ways to Wellbeing. It has been lovely to talk to the children about caring for their wellbeing and imparting strategies...
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This week has been assessment week for the children in Years 3 to 5. They have all worked incredibly hard! It was lovely to recognise so many children in our final Celebration Assembly of the year this morning including lots of children who have shown determination and self-belief in their assessments this week. It is...
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This week has been another busy one as the children in Years 3-5 gear up to their end of year assessments next week and Year 6 have almost finished with all of their writing assessments too.  Read the full newsletter      
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I am especially proud of our Carr Stars this week after they have represented our school so brilliantly on their various escapades. On Tuesday, some pupils from Year 4 and Year 6 went to York University to represent our school in the annual South Bank MAT Sports Festival. The children were so fantastic at each...
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It was great to see our Carr Stars back in school this week and getting straight back into their learning. Along with this newsletter, you will be receiving the Year group newsletter and Knowledge Organiser for your child’s year group. Our Big Idea for our final half term of the school year is ‘Through The...
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I can’t believe that we are now at the end of another half term and we will soon be on the countdown to the end of the school year! Next half term will be a very busy one so I have included a list of important dates in this newsletter for your information and to...
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We are super proud of our Year 6 Carr Stars who have now completed their SATs! They have worked very hard over the last few months to be as prepared as possible, they showed great resilience this week and can now feel proud that they tried their best. As a reward for their hard work,...
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I think having two short weeks for our Year 6 Carr Stars has come at just the right time as they are starting to get tired now with all the prep for their SATs next week. I know you will all join me in wishing them lots of luck. We are super proud of them...
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We ended last week with a brilliant treat. Our Year 4 Carr Stars came back to school for an evening of outdoor activities. We enjoyed games of Capture the Flag, making sculptures from nature, knot tying, whittling sticks and eating hotdogs. We then washed it all down with hot chocolates and toasted marshmallows around the...
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We have had another great week in school. The children have been brilliant again. They have settled straight back into their learning and are showing super respect towards each other. Read the full newsletter  
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